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Welcome to 926 Mahjong! Mahjong is a traditional Chinese table game that has gained popularity not only in China but also in other parts of the world, particularly in Japan, South Korea, and various Asian countries. The game is typically played by four players, although there are variations that can accommodate more players

Game Strategy

In the game, clicking on a card will place it in the card slots below. When three identical cards appear in the slots, they can be eliminated.

When moving blocks, players can only move the ones that are illuminated, which means the ones at the top. The blocks below must become illuminated after the top block is moved to be movable.

There can be a total of 7 cards in the card slots. If all 7 slots are filled and there are still no three identical cards to eliminate, the game will be considered a failure.

In the game, there are three types of items that can be used, and each type of item can only be used once per game session.

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